About rian.tv

Rian.tv is a repository of information on smart water metering and IoT for water management applications.
For over 15 years Rian has helped people understand their utility resource use with a view to improve efficiency. His focus is on using the latest IoT technology and processes to ensure smart metering projects achieve their goals; improving efficiency and sustainability while reducing cost.
Areas of practice:
- Smart Water Metering
- IoT (Internet of Things)
- Water Management
- LPWAN Smart Metering including Sigfox, LoRaWAN, Wize, and NB-IoT
- Digital Utilities
- Water Efficiency
- Smart Cities
- Smart Utilities
Industry positions:
- Water Services Association Australia, Chair Metering Community of Practice (2024-present)
- IoTAA (Internet of Things Alliance Australia) Water Workstream, Manager Marketing and Communications (2019-2024)
- Intelligent Water Networks, Program Manager, Digital Metering Systems (2020-2020)